Hot Beef Sandwich With Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

hot beef sandwich

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What is a Hot Beef Sand­wich? Pic­ture thick-sliced, crusty bread, but­tered and toast­ed to gold­en brown. Now, top that with a lay­er of ten­der, juicy roast beef and driz­zle with rich, savory roast beef gravy. Final­ly, add a crown of creamy mashed pota­toes, with a well at the cen­ter, to hold even more deep, brown gravy. The gravy cas­cad­ing over the entire dish, brings every deli­cious bite into the ulti­mate com­fort-food har­mo­ny. That my friend is the per­fect hot roast beef sand­wich. Bliss!

If you haven't fig­ured it out by now, I may as well come straight out and tell you. Cook­ing once, and cre­at­ing meals that will actu­al­ly become the foun­da­tion of two, three or even more, meals is a favorite cook­ing strat­e­gy. This recipe comes from one of those meals pur­pose­ly pre­pared to cre­ate left­overs — my Easy Crock-Pot Roast Beef. So, now when YOU pre­pare it, you'll be able to enjoy the same deli­cious left­over mag­ic with this yum­my hot roast beef sand­wich recipe.

The Ingredients

  • left­over roast beef
  • left­over gravy (here's my Easy Roast Beef Gravy recipe)
  • mashed pota­toes (left­over if you have them. If not, I have a fast and easy solu­tion, I'll share.)
  • french bread, sliced into 1 to 1.5″ thick slices

How to Make a Hot Beef Sandwich

First, you want all the com­po­nents of your sand­wich to be hot and ready at the same time. If you pre­pared roast­ed pota­toes, with your orig­i­nal roast beef meal, it's def­i­nite­ly the most fru­gal option to just mash any left­overs you have. At our house, pota­toes don't usu­al­ly make it to the left­over stage, though. lol So, I've dis­cov­ered a quick and easy solution.

I do most of my gro­cery shop­ping at the Wal­mart in our small com­mu­ni­ty. Their refrig­er­at­ed case, where they have their fresh made deli piz­zas, also dis­plays some con­ve­nience items. One of our per­son­al favorites is Bob Evans Orig­i­nal Mashed Potatoes.

bob evans mashed potatoes

Maybe you'll find a dif­fer­ent brand or alter­na­tive for quick and easy mashed pota­toes. This is what's avail­able in our area and I can rec­om­mend them for the con­ve­nience. They heat in the microwave in 4 — 6 min­utes and they are the creamy and deli­cious. I can't buy, peel and cook pota­toes, then add but­ter and milk for much less than I spend on these. You can see why they're almost always my go-to, when mak­ing a meal that calls for mashed pota­toes, on a busy weeknight.

Reheat left­over roast beef in a skil­let on the stove top or in your microwave.

roast beef gravy

You'll warm the left­over gravy, as well. Add a small amount of water to thin it, if it has set too thick in the refrig­er­a­tor. Keep it over medi­um low heat, in a pan on the stove top. Whisk the gravy as nec­es­sary to bring it back to a smooth consistency.

toasted french bread

Cut a thick slice of crusty, French bread. After that, light­ly but­ter both sides of the bread and toast it. Use a skil­let on the stove top, if you're just mak­ing one to four hot beef sand­wich­es. Next, brown both sides and you're ready to go. (If you need to cook more than four at a time, put them on a sheet tray under the broil­er for a cou­ple minutes.)

Assemble the Hot Roast Beef Sandwich

Lay a slice of the toast­ed bread on a plate, top with a lay­er of warm roast beef and a driz­zle of hot gravy. Now, add a scoop of mashed pota­toes to the top of the stack and driz­zle with more gravy.

hot beef sandwich

This is the def­i­n­i­tion of com­fort food. A hot roast beef sand­wich is going to be your new hap­py place. Enjoy!


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Reheat as many of the left­overs, from your roast beef din­ner, as nec­es­sary for the num­ber of peo­ple you're feed­ing.  This recipe is enough for 1 serv­ing.  Mul­ti­ply it for each sand­wich you want to serve.  Trust me when I tell you, NO ONE will know this deli­cious com­fort food meal is made from left­overs.  Why tell them?

  • 1/4 lb left­over roast beef
  • 1/4 cup left­over gravy
  • 1/2 cup mashed pota­toes (left­over if you have them. If not, I have a fast and easy solu­tion, I'll share.)
  • 1 slice french bread, sliced into 1 to 1.5″ thick slices

  1. Heat the mashed pota­toes. I think the microwave works best.  Use your own left­overs or try pre-made mashed pota­toes from the refrig­er­at­ed case at your favorite mar­ket. I use Bob Evans Orig­i­nal brand.
  2. Reheat left­over roast beef in a skil­let on the stove top or in the microwave.
  3. You'll warm the left­over gravy, as well. Add a small amount of water to thin it, if it has set too thick in the refrig­er­a­tor. Keep it over medi­um low heat, in a pan on the stove top, whisk­ing as nec­es­sary to bring it back to a smooth consistency.
  4. Cut a thick slice of French bread. Light­ly but­ter both sides of the bread and toast it. If you're just mak­ing one to four hot beef sand­wich­es, this can most eas­i­ly be achieved in a skil­let on the stove-top. Brown both sides and you're ready to go. (For more than four at a time, you can put them on a sheet tray under the broil­er in your oven for a cou­ple minutes.)
  5. Once all the ingre­di­ents are warmed, you're ready to assem­ble the lus­cious sandwiches.
  6. Lay the toast­ed bread on your plate, top with a lay­er of the warmed roast beef, then a driz­zle of hot gravy.
  7. Now, add a scoop of mashed pota­toes to the top of the stack and driz­zle with more gravy.
  8. Serve hot with your favorite veg­gie side.
  • Prep Time: 10 min
  • Cook Time: 10 min
  • Cat­e­go­ry: Main Dish
  • Cui­sine: Amer­i­can

If you want more ideas for using roast beef left­overs, check out my Easy Crock-Pot Roast Beef post. And, this Beef and Veg­gie Soup recipe, at a Pinch of Healthy, might be good, too.

crock-pot roast beef

Go forth, Friend! It's time for you to make left­overs your hap­py place, and a meal your fam­i­ly will nev­er believe you put togeth­er in min­utes from what was left in your fridge. That deli­cious pot roast will become a lus­cious roast beef sand­wich before you know it. You can do it! I've got your back!

Are you look­ing for anoth­er great com­fort-food sand­wich? Check out the recipe for this del­ish Philly Cheese Sausage Dog over at Call Me PMC! Or Jen­n's Instant Pot Ital­ian Beef Sand­wich­es over at Cook What You Love. They're scrumptious!

More Recipes Using Beef


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